Art to do at home with the kids!

recycled mixed media art at home!

As we're stuck at home, here are the activities I had in mind for us to do, adjusted to home:

1. collect recycled materials we didn;t get to throw away yet (yey procrastination! it does pay off today :)

2. cut them to 1-2 '' pieces of basic forms (circles, triangles, square)- wonderful motoric skills practice ! cereal boxes are the best

3. color in acrylics in primary (blue red yellow) and secondary colors (orange, green, purple)

4. take a thick paper (card stock works well) and design them on it as you wish! you can make monsters, aliens, flowers, forests. etc. ) we learned basic forms so the kids might remember how to assemble from them but it was so quick so just have fun with it whatever they make!)

5. glue them on place

6. after it dries (lunch time break!) add in sharpies the aliens details (hair? hands? )

7. share and make up a story for it!

Tip: use what you have, colorful paper, glitter, etc. beads, for mixed media! it will make it pop more. you can also make later a round 2 and a small version of it and make it to a card (we spoke about how at hard times we can give cards that make people's hearts happier)

Hope you enjoy it.

Have a colorful day,
